Order Cancellation:
You will have 30 days to return your order if it is unopened. Please contact us right away at info@bobanutrition.co if you decide you’d like to cancel within the time period. If the product is open, we cannot accept this as a return. Please note you will have to pay the shipping charge of $10 to return this unopened product and we require proof that it's been unopened.
Refund of Payment:
Any refund that is provided will go back to the original form of payment. Our support team will assist you with any issues if you run into any
In order to get a return, please ensure that the goods are in it’s original packaging and are unopened. If you are pre-ordering, it is not required to send anything back - we will just cancel your order before sending.
The following goods cannot be returned:
Any product that is used, damage and opened will not be eligible for refund or exchange
Item Missing or Damaged:
If your package status is delivered and it has been lost, You are requiredto file a dispute with the courier in order for us to move forward with the next step. Once a dispute has been opened and you have provided us with a case number, we can assist with the next step.
Please contact us via email at info@bobanutrition.co for further questions