
The Bellini Mocktail

Refreshing Low-Cal Bellini Mocktail with Boba Nutrition Peach Iced Tea Collagen Powder

peach mocktail

A Guilt-Free Pleasure

When you're in the mood for something cold and refreshing, what could be more deserving than a low-cal Bellini mocktail? Made with Boba Nutrition's peach iced tea collagen powder, this drink not only pleases your taste buds but also gives that much-needed collagen boost to your skin and joint health.

Create Your Low Cal Mocktail: A Step-by-Step Process

peaches for bellini mocktail


Gathering Start by gathering your ingredients. For this health-conscious mocktail, you will need:

How to Make this Peach Boba Mocktail:

  1. First, mix a scoop of the peach iced tea collagen powder with a small quantity of warm water until well dissolved.
  2. Fill the glass with ice cubes and fill it with collagen mixture. Then slowly pour sparkling water over the top of the peach tea mix, watching it go into its fizzing action.
  3. Gently stir to combine all the elements into one harmonious blend. Garish for the Gram Bring it up to the notch by garnishing your mocktail with slices of peaches or a sprig of mint.
  4. That is extra flavor, gets Instagram-worthy, and hits the spot on a hot summer night.


Key Boba Ingredient: Boba Nu Peach Iced Tea Collagen

13.pngpeach marine collagen nutritional facts

Boba Nutrition's Peach Iced Tea Collagen isn't just collagen, it's a boba tea inspired beverage full of health benefits! It is not only a beautiful sight but contains several health benefits. Collagen improves skin elasticity and also helps with the health of your joints,* hence making this mocktail a great choice for the wellness lovers.

  • 🚫 Sugar-Free
  • ⬇️ Low in Carbs & Calories
  • 💪🏼 High in Health Benefits
  • 🌱 Healthy Choice: Gluten-free, keto and vegan!

Boba Nutrition also offers a variety of other delicious healthy boba beverages.


Nutritional Info Low-Cal Bellini Mocktail

Macros Breakdown

Enjoy the deliciousness, knowing well that your nutrition profile has been taken care of-a Bellini mocktail made with Boba Nutrition peach iced tea collagen powderis a treat that will have you wanting more. Here's what you can expect in terms of macros for one serving of this delightful drink:

  • Calories: Approximately 30-50 calories, depending on how much collagen powder and the size of the peach slices used.
  • Protein: About 5 grams, coming from the collagen powder.
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 3 to 5 grams; it contains natural sugars coming from the fresh peach.
  • Fat: Almost 0 grams; this is a really good option in case one wants to minimize fat intake.
  • Fibre: Less than 1 gram, coming from slices of peaches.

Frequently Asked Bellini Mocktail Questions

What is Boba Nutrition's Peach Iced Tea Collagen Powder?

Boba Nutrition's peach iced tea collagen powder is a dietary supplement that improves skin and joint health. It merges the refreshing taste of peach with goodness at its best for collagen that can be used in beverages to enhance them.

Can I use a different flavor of collagen powder?

Absolutely! While peach has the classic taste of a Bellini, if you like, you can go ahead with trying other flavors. Boba Nutrition has a number of options that would complement your mocktail nicely.

Is this mocktail vegan-friendly?

Yes, Boba Nutrition's peach iced tea collagen powder contains Marine Collagen, making it vegan, keto and healthy. 

How many calories are in this mocktail?

This is considered a low-calorie mocktail, mainly because the most calorie contribution is from the collagen powder itself. It usually contains less than 50 calories per serving and is totally enjoyable for any person who counts their caloric intake.

Where do I buy collagen powder by Boba Nutrition?
Boba Nutrition products are available on their website. You can check out their online store.

Wrapping up this Boba Nutrition Recipe

This refreshing drink is perfect for those looking for something that is low in calories yet high in protein. It's especially ideal for those who require post-workout recovery or casual refreshment throughout the day.


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary. Various studies have suggested benefits following daily consumption of collagen for several months.

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