OMG I am so obsessed with these konjac boba pearls, it’s a bit embarrassing LOL! I was never a huge fan of boba tea because of the overall calorie count and not wanting to “drink” my calories away. I always enjoyed it as a special treat every so often!
When I learned of these konjac boba pearls I was intrigued. I’m a big fan of konjac noodles and being on a very low carb, no sugar diet I knew I would like them! And I was right!
But what I didn’t realize is all the different ways I would eat them! Every so often I’ll put a pack or two into a smoothie. But that’s getting more rare. Instead I add them to yogurt and ice cream sundaes! I also eat them as a kind of stand alone dessert with sugar free jam and low carb granola.
Adding them to morning yogurt bowl and to my almost nightly ice cream sundaes allows me to get extra fiber. Plus I love the chewy yumminess of it! When you drizzle chocolate syrup over these konjac pearls, as they get smothered in Nick’s chocolate ice cream - WOW! Sooooo good!
I go through so many packets a day!!! I have to figure out how to keep a steady supply in the house. But that’s a good problem to have with such a great new food in my diet!! Please keep making them!!!